
※ Download: American express safe key

This section does not any. In each of these cases, you will receive an on-screen notification letting you know what went wrong. A transaction using Verified-by-Visa or SecureCode will initiate a redirection to the website of the card issuing bank to authorize the transaction.

The customer shops on your website as usual, adding items to their cart. In addition to having the lowest rates, they work with me to keep my rates low. We are so blessed to have you on our side.

Welcome to Knowledge Base - Even if the merchant has a mobile Web site, unless the issuer is also mobile-aware, the authentication pages may fail to render properly, or even at all.

American Express SafeKey® helps to prevent online fraud when you are shopping online with your American Express® Card. Safekey is an added security to your online shopping experience. To make sure you are the one making the online payment, MCB sends you a One-Time Password OTP during the checkout process on your mobile phone or email address provided. Once you have entered the password correctly, the transaction can be processed. Step 2: If your User ID is validated, a One-Time Password OTP will be sent to your mobile phone number which has been registered for Safekey. If you do not obtain your OTP on your mobile phone, you still can request to have it sent to your registered email address. Step 3: Enter the One-Time Password OTP to confirm your payment. But please ensure that your mobile phone is on roaming mode as the OTP will be sent to your mobile phone number registered with us. If ever you are using a foreign mobile phone number while being abroad, please contact the bank to update your details. Once you are using back your Mauritian number, please inform the bank accordingly.


However, the legacy variant with static passwords does not meet the 's ECB January 2013 requirements. Our friends and family love to send us pictures of them doing silly things, or even cute pictures of the children or pets. The additional security layer helps prevent unauthorized CNP transactions and protects the merchant from CNP exposure to fraud. Safekey is an added security to your online shopping experience. If ever you are using a foreign mobile phone number while being abroad, please contact the bank to update your details. Once you enter the information requested and it is verified, your online transaction will be american express safe key. Archived from on 2008-10-07. Many perks to being affiliated with their company. Welcome to Knowledge Base Use your existing GNSweb credentials to access Knowledge Base, a central repository for our network issues, acquirers, merchants and vendors.